Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seven years in only one day!

Back when lodges were operational, it may have taken a candidate seven years to move from an Entered Apprentice to Fellowcraft, and some never reached the status of Master or beyond.

Today, things (usually) move much quicker. For one, the candidate no longer needs to know how to actually build things out of stone. But, sometimes we might go a little too fast. How fast is too fast?

Below I have included some clips from Danny Kaye's 'The Court Jester' for your enjoyment.

What is the purpose of the 'tests' or other requirements that the candidate presented with? While we might not want to wait seven years before receiving our second degree, is a few minutes, or even an hour enough time to reflect on something that really only happens once?


Tom Accuosti said...

And the pestle with the poison is in the chalice in the palace

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tom, that's one of Jay-Z's raps, right?

You're such a play-yah.